Value of managed resources
Number of active users
Total amount of generated capital
Financial Supervisory Commission
Financial markets aren’t free from sudden exceptional events. To ensure a safety margin on your capital, Alvaforce operates with protection lines ensuring that 50% of your initial invested capital will always be protected.
Our partners follow ethical financial practices and fund segregation principles, not sharing their investments or the company's share capital with those of their clients.
We guarantee the security of our clients' funds by working with renowned international banking institutions and fully adhering to the structures established by our regulators.
We are a member of the Investor Compensation Fund Policy (ICF), a fund that serves to protect eligible retail customers by paying compensations if the company fails to repay funds and/or financial instruments due to financial issues, as applicable. Our partners follow good financial practices and fund segregation principles, not sharing their investments or the company's share capital with those of their clients.